NFL Welcomes First Transgender Cheerleader To Squad

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Controversy surrounds the inclusion of transgender and transsexual athletes in competitive sports. A common cause for people’s aversion to sports is the perception of unfair advantages, yet this team was happy to welcome a newcomer.

The Carolina Panthers’ newest cheerleader, Justine Simone Lindsay, will join the team for the next NFL season. Lindsay is the first openly transgender cheerleader in NFL history. Step aside, Michael Sam.

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The cheerleader announced her upcoming football debut with the rest of the Topcats in an Instagram post this week. First, open transgender on the roster, as well as Lindsay’s “historical” status, were exposed.

Cats Out the Bag, you are looking at the first transgender female member of the Carolina Panthers TopCats Cheerleaders,” the post stated.

“I would want to thank the beautiful and talented dancers that supported me along with the journey alumni Topcats family and friends for your love and support,” Lindsay continued. Because of the support, I wouldn’t be where I am now in my life. My lovely instructor [Chandalae Lanouette] you are a rare human that I sincerely cherish thank you for taking that leap of faith on me.”

You guys are going to love what this gal has in store for you, and I can’t wait to show you.” ‘Thank you Topcats, a dream came true,” the message said.

The Daily Mail reports that Lindsay will be permitted to maintain her balding hairstyle after all.

In addition to Lindsay’s Instagram announcement, Panthers TopCats cheerleading director Chandalae Lanouette confirmed Lindsay’s employment on Buzzfeed this week, as did other sources.

Some of the interviews were covered by the Daily Wire in their report:

It was Lindsay’s “talent,” not the cheerleader’s “history-making,” according to Lanouette, according to the BuzzFeed report, that got her a seat on the squad, the report stated.

I want to build a squad of players that are great on the field, but I also want them to be great teammates and wonderful friends off the field. And to get to that there, you have to step through that door first,” Lanouette explained.

When it comes to diversity and inclusion, there’s nothing the NFL can’t handle. As a general rule, most people care more about who someone is rather than what they are. How well-mannered are you as a human being toward others? On the other hand, how much is too much when it comes to things like this? If a majority-white nation pays to see and cheer on mostly black athletes and is accused of racism for doing so, it’s much worse. The NFL is likely to come up with a new excuse for why fans ignore cheerleaders going forward.

To be honest, it appeared as if the whole concept of cheerleading was going to vanish in the wake of events like the #MeToo movement when even the most innocent male attention might be seen as assault.

Is it that important who leads the cheers? There have been several co-ed cheering groups in high school and college athletics over the years. One might make the case that those are preferable, given how impressively the males on the squad can throw their lesser teammates into the air.

This is not a debate over whether or not males should be allowed to join the squad.

Many individuals in society believe that transgender athletes are treated unfairly in sports. As long as they have medical documentation confirming that they suffer gender dysmorphia, transgenders should be permitted to play on their preferred sports team. This has gone on for far too long and we need to welcome new challenges and a broader range of people in our ranks. You don’t have to be the reason someone isn’t pursuing their aspirations be their reason for chasing one.

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