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Putting aid groups in different areas of the country

The Foreign Office of the UK said they would use local institutions and groups to send help as far away as possible. It's not...

Climate change is making farmers even more worried about their crops

Since the beginning of time, farmers have been waiting for the weather. However, new changes in climate change have made spring rains heavier, which...

China Took Over the U.S. Climate Change Plan

China is coming in to help the US's environmental plan work. A study from the Heritage Foundation says that China is looking at the...

A famous hotel in New York quietly became a shelter for migrants

Not many people know that a hotel in New York City's Broadway area is being turned into a temporary shelter for migrants. New York...

An investigation shows that the Israeli airstrike used U.S. weapons

A new study shows that Israel killed seven doctors in Lebanon with weapons from the United States. The research looked at pieces of the...