Does Biden not have the mental ability to hold office?

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A poll that came out on Monday says that more than half of Americans don’t trust President Biden’s brains or his ability to run the country.

The study was done by the Associated Press and NORC of Public Affairs Research. It found that 60% of Americans don’t trust Joe Biden to run the country anymore. Some people also say that a lot of Americans don’t like the choices President Jones is making. 

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It is known that about 4 out of 10 Americans agree with Biden’s choices about abortion, climate change, and the war in Ukraine. But not as many people back Biden when it comes to the economy, the war in Gaza, or immigration. 

These polls that show worry about Biden’s mental health come after a report that said his mental health was getting worse and after he was seen forgetting things, stuttering, or losing his train of thought in interviews or press statements more than once. 

So, the same study was done to find out what people think about Donald Trump’s mental fitness to lead the country. This study found that about 60% of people thought he was mentally unfit to run the country. 

A lot of people have talked about the findings and how the public sees Biden’s performance as President. Some experts say that the economy has a lot to do with the numbers and how people are choosing to vote. Daron Shaw, a Republican pollster, said, “When the president says that the state of the union is strong, most Americans will disagree, and the economy is the main reason for this disagreement.”

A lot of Americans are interested in the economy and how it’s doing. This means that when they take polls and think about how they feel, a lot of them might base their choice only on the economy and how the President is treating it. 

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